If you work or are considering a career in the Public Safety field, whether a Police Officer, Firefighter, Dispatcher, or maybe you're just curious about the work, then there's probably something here for you! You will also find scanning resources and radio frequencies for major cities.
Click on each item for additional information. If you have a suggestion for an interesting link, book or other item you don't see here, please let me know and I’ll try to include it.
  The Ultimate Scanner by Bill Cheek; Paperback
It's the best in modifications: expanded memory, cellular coverage, computer interfaces, data tone squelch, SCA, and much, much more! There is already a small computer in your scanner, so the next step is to hook it up to a bigger one. Bill Cheek's Ultimate Scanner differs from scanners of the past by many factors, of which the most important is the cable to a computer. More info than the average person would use... you are armed with alot of knowledge!
  Scanners & Secret Frequencies by Henry L. Eisenson; Paperback
This cynical and immensely entertaining book describes the scanner world, the people in it, the equipment they use, and how they acquire and tune in to the "secret" frequencies. Highly recomended for anyone who owns a scanner.
  Scanner Modifications and Antennas by Jerry Pickard; Paperback
Whether you're scanning for valuable emergency information or just our of curisity, you want to get the most out of your equipment. This book will teach you how to get your straight-out-of-the-box scaner working to its fullest potential. Instructions are written as simply as possible so that just about anyone who can determine the hot end of a soldering iron can modify his or her scanner.
  Bug Book: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Electronic Eavesdropping... But Were Afraid to Ask by M. L. Shannon; Paperback
What would you do if you thought you were being bugged? How would you defend yourself? How would you even know about it? If you've pondered these questions, and especially if you haven't, you need to read this book. It was written to tell you, the average Joe, everything there is to know about tiny hidden transmitters that can broadcast your personal and business conversations to spies, government agents . . . even the next-door neighbors.
  Cop Talk! How to Listen in on Police Radio Communications by Laura E. Quarantiello; Paperback
Demystifies police jargon, instructions on how to find local police radio frequencies, get maximum performance and better reception. There's even a section on how to use your scanner radio to aid law enforcement in their never-ending war against crime!
  What Cops Know: Cops Talk About What They Do, How They Do It, and What It Does to Them by Connie Fletcher, Julie Rubenstein (Editor); Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover and Audio Cassette Editions
Interviews with 125 cops about such topics as working on the street; crimes involving violence, property, sex, narcotics; organized crime. The police officers are forthright, the narrative seamless as the author makes the case that "what cops know isn't scientific, quantifiable, or statistical knowledge," but that they are "privy to special knowledge." Readers learn that one of the most difficult jobs in law enforcement is raiding the quarters of drug dealers, that even hardened veterans have a rough time restraining themselves when arresting child molesters, that the Mafia is now branching out into supplying body parts for transplant surgery.
  What's the Number for 911? America's Wackiest 911 Calls by Leland H., III Gregory; Paperback
I thought I had heard it all until I read this! Who do we call when we're in dire need of help? 911, of course. However some situations that callers perceived as emergencies, may not be so urgent. Dispatcher: "911. What is your emergency?" Male caller: "Yeah, I want to order a pizza. "What's the Number for 911? is a collection of more than 170 stories and actual transcripts of strange, and hilarious 911 phone calls. Most of the people who made these calls needed help all right-but not 911 help. It is an easy read, with stops only for shaking your head, turning the page, and laughing out loud.
Cop Talk! How to Listen in on Police Radio Communications by Laura E. Quarantiello; Paperback
Demystifies police jargon, instructions on how to find local police radio frequencies, get maximum performance and better reception. There's even a section on how to use your scanner radio to aid law enforcement in their never-ending war against crime!
Master Frequency File by James E. Tunnell, Robert Kelty; Hardcover
Tune in and listen to the confidential communications of the FBI, Secret Service, National Parks, Forest Service, Drug Enforcement Administration, and other agencies. The most accurate source of services, frequencies, callsigns, and user IDs on the 25 Mhz to 2110 Mhz radio spectrum. Over 530 pages!
Tuning in to RF Scanning: From Police to Satellite Bands by Bob Kay; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition
Explains everything the beginner needs to know to become proficient in the hobby of radio-frequency scanning; improving reception, different frequency bands, and tips and hints for the more experienced scanner user.
2004 Police Call Radio
Guide: Including Fire and Emergency Services Paperback with CD
Renowned source for local and national frequency information.
Also See: Scanning and Ham Radio
Emergency Vehicle Operations: Emergency Calls and Pursuit Driving by Tom, Ph.D. Barker; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition
An easy to read and well explained book for all Emergency Vehicle Operators.
Cop Speak: The Lingo of Law Enforcement and Crime by Tom Philbin, Thomas Philbin; Paperback
Law enforcement officials (LEOs), and the criminals they pursue-have a language all their own -from "Abe" (five dollars' worth of illegal drugs) to "zombie" (a police officer who works at night), CopSpeak is "phat" (cool). Take a "taste" (sampling)... SHANK: A knife or other sharp instrument used by prison inmates; Prisoners are ingenious at making shanks. They have been constructed from everything from a metal bed slat to a toothbrush handle in which a razor is embedded. "At any given time," said one ex-convict, "there's enough shanks in a prison to open a cutlery factory."
What Cops Know: Cops Talk About What They Do, How They Do It, and What It Does to Them by Connie Fletcher, Julie Rubenstein (Editor); Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover and Audio Cassette Editions
Interviews with 125 cops about such topics as working on the street; crimes involving violence, property, sex, narcotics; organized crime. The police officers are forthright, the narrative seamless as the author makes the case that "what cops know isn't scientific, quantifiable, or statistical knowledge," but that they are "privy to special knowledge." Readers learn that one of the most difficult jobs in law enforcement is raiding the quarters of drug dealers, that even hardened veterans have a rough time restraining themselves when arresting child molesters, that the Mafia is now branching out into supplying body parts for transplant surgery.
Publicity Manual for Law Enforcement Agencies by Selma G. Field; Paperback
A comprehensive professional guide to communications-- a manual that no law enforcement professional should be without.
Copshock: Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by Allen R. Kates; Paperback
Allen Kates has done a real service for cops. His stories are compelling and you won't find a better, more complete listing of support sources anywhere!" Through gripping stories, extensive research and over 200 support sources, CopShock helps law enforcement officers, their families and all other trauma sufferers survive PTSD. A book for active duty or retired cops, police recruits, war veterans, corrections officers, paramedics, firefighters, nurses, doctors, security guards, crime victims--anyone suffering from trauma.
Police Talk: A Scenario-Based Communications Workbook for Police Recruits and Officers by Jean, Phd Reynolds, et al; Paperback
Addresses the most important need in law enforcement today; communication. As law enforcement becomes more complex and sophisticated, communication is more important than ever before. Police officers need expertise in conflict resolution, assertiveness, use of authority, interviewing, and a host of other skills.
Cops Under Fire: The Reign of Terror Against Hero Cops by Larry McShane; Hardcover
The odds are that the overwhelming majority of America's police officers will never be forced to use their weapons in the line of duty. But when it happens, it often destroys the lives of these officers--and those around them.
Cops Don't Cry: a book of help and hope for police families by Vali Stone; Paperback
From the beginning of the officers' careers they are trained to control their emotions, and thus are accused of being cold-hearted. Research suggests that police divorce rates are more than double the national average of ordinary marriages. Spouses agree that law enforcement officers grapple with the real-life horrors on the job and that the bitter belief that 'cops don't cry' is sadly untrue.
I Love a Cop by Ellen Kirschman; Paperback
Dr Kirchman accurately and insightfully breaks down many of the hurdles and mysteries to surviving on the front lines. Police officers have been written about in droves, but this is the first book that is aimed at their families. Surviving the streets is one thing, surviving the home front is quite another, and it's about time someone wrote this.
Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results by Stephen C. Lundin, Ph.D., et al; Hardcover. Also available in an Audio CD Edition
Do you work in a "toxic energy dump"? Do you or your employees seem stuck in the doldrums all the time? Well then, FISH! is for you. Learn the secrets for success and improved attitude from a manager of a department in which everyone has lost ambition, energy, and helpfulness. Says one supervisor, "The attitude changes brought about by 'Fish!' have been the best thing to ever happen in our center!"
Top Cops: Profiles of Women in Command by Marion E. Gold; Paperback
The remarkable strides that women have made in law enforcement are good not only for law enforcement but for America as well. Their stories serve as an inspiration to young women across America who have every right to believe they can pursue any career and rise to any challenge.
Emergency Communications Management by Francis X. Holt; Hardcover
EMS Communications: Utilizing the New Hardware and Systems Technology (Emergency Health Services Review Series: Volume 1 No 2) by Russel C. Kulp (Editor); Paperback
Police and Fire Communications Handbook Paperback
Under the Headset: Surviving Dispatcher Stress by Richard Behr; Spiral-bound
Written by a dispatcher and a critical incident stress instructor, it includes information about the stress process, identifying stressors, and coping with stress. The book also includes sections on humor and inspiration. Stories of survival, written by dispatchers who have lived through the stress of critical incidents, are provided.
How to Become an Emergency Dispatcher by Randy Narramore; Spiral-bound
Very helpful - A must read for anyone considering getting into this line of work.
Inside 911 by Judy Stacy, Judith Rhymes Stacy
Good reading... tells about dealing with the misinformed public... the severity of the occupation, the dexterity of the operator, and what most dispatchers wouldn't dare to print.
Become a 911 Dispatcher: Your Personal Career Guide by Richard M. Callen; Paperback
Instructs a motivated person on how to locate, prepare for, gain, and retain a job in the public safety dispatching profession. chapter titles include: What is it all About? / Where the Jobs Are / How to Prepare for the Job / Radios, Computers, and Other Toys / The Hiring Process / On the Job / Pay and Benefits / In Closing.
9-1-1 Emergency Communications Manual: Police-Fire-Medical by Sue Pivetta; Hardcover
Ick! I Hate Technical Stuff by Paul D. Linnee, Sue Pivetta; Spiral-bound
A non technical work book for public safety dispatchers.
911 Operator Paperback
Emergency Communications by F. Dale Williams; Paperback
Communications Guide for Public Safety Dispatchers by Alan Burton; Paperback
Calling 9-1-1 by Sharon Shi; Paperback
Calling 911 is a friendly question and answer book that tells children of some of the basics about calling 911. There are also two pages of colorful, temporary tattoos from the story for your children to enjoy!
Emergency Dispatcher: 911 Operator by Eve P. Steinberg; Paperback
Includes practice questions, test taking tips, coverage of the interview, typing test, and personality test, and offers two full length sample exams.
Emergency Dispatcher: 911 Operator Exam by Arco (Editor); Paperback
Police Communications Technician (Career Exam Series) by Jack Rudman; Paperback
Police Communications and Teletype Operator by Jack Rudman; Paperback
Police Communications and Teletype Operator Supervisor by Jack Rudman; Paperback
Emergency Communications Specialist by Jack Rudman; Paperback
Police Dispatcher by Jack Rudman; Spiral-bound
The Newhall Incident: America's Worst Uniformed Cop Massacre by John Anderson, Marsh Cassady
Everything from basic PMA to felony stops were revised because of this incident... stresses the importance over and over of the need to be alert, in shape, and knowledgeable in tactics, both as an individual and as a team.
Dial 911 and Die by Richard W. Stevens, Garn Turner (Illustrator); Paperback
This book speaks to the irrefutable truth: police do very little to prevent violent crime and is totally illustrative of a simple fact that most people are unaware of -- THE POLICE ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO RESPOND TO YOUR 911 CALL!
Fallen Angels: Chronicles of L.A. Crime and Mystery by Marvin Wolf & Katherine Mader; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition.
This wonderfully detailed book names names, gives exact addresses and tells all. If you're a fan of Los Angeles history, or true-crime stories, you'll love it. Read about such cases as Fatty Arbuckle, the Manson Family, Thelma Todd, the Hillside Strangler, the L.A. Times Bombing, John Belushi, the murder of Vicki Morgan, Alfred Bloomingdale's mistress and many more.
Official Negligence: How Rodney King and the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the LAPD by Lou Cannon; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition
Washington Post journalist Cannon believes that the four Los Angeles Police Department officers prosecuted in 1992 for beating black motorist Rodney King "were scapegoats for the Los Angeles riots" that followed the not-guilty verdicts in their first trial. Readers may recall the videotape of the King arrest, but Cannon reveals that a crucial portion, favorable to the officers, was deleted from the version shown on national television.
Policing Women: The
Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD (Critical Perspectives on the Past) by Janis Appier; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition.
Many of us take the presence of policewomen on patrol and in investigative roles for granted. Realistic dramas and comedies in the movies and on television show women officers performing the same duties as men on the force. This visibility tells us nothing about the hostility and controversy that have beset police women since they were first hired by police departments in the 1910's.
The Onion Field by Joseph Wambaugh; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover, Audio Cassette and Video (VHS) Editions.
This is the frighteningly true story of two young cops and two young robbers whose separate destinies fatally cross one march night in a bizarre execution in a deserted Los Angeles field.
LAPD: Patrol, SWAT,
Air Support, K-9, CRASH, and Homicide (Power Series) by Samuel M. Katz; Paperback
A must read about the best cops in a dangerous city... one of the best books... worth every penny in text and photos.
My Name's Friday: The Unauthorized but True Story of Dragnet and the Films of Jack Webb by Michael J. Hayde; Paperback
This book documents exactly how Jack Webb came up with the idea for Dragnet and how it evolved from that moment on. Covers individual scripts, writers, stock players, and every aspect of the show. Always interesting and educational recount of the early days of TV.
Just the Facts, Ma'Am: The Authorized Biography of Jack Webb by Daniel Moyer, Eugene
Alvarez; Paperback
His portrayal of Joe Friday on Dragnet and his creation of Adam-12 and Emergency make Jack Webb of one entertainment's greatest icons. The authors reveal the private side of Jack Webb, a mixture of creativity, hard work, and mercurial temperament. With the help of Webb's daughter, Stacy, Moyer and Alvarez give Dragnet fans an honest portrayal of a driven and complicated man.
LA Burning - The
Riots of '92 VHS; Unrated
The Tin Collectors by Stephen J. Cannell; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover and Unabridged Audio Cassette Editions.
Another exciting tale about L.A.P.D.'s Internal Affairs Division from the creator of the hit television show the Rockford Files... the characters are compelling, events move along rapidly, and there is an action-packed shoot-out and chase scene near the end. The story will grab readers from the start. The characters are colorful and well-defined, and the plentiful plot twists and turns keep the action and interest brewing.
Citadel Run by Paul Bishop; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover and Audio Cassette Editions.
Tells the story of a retiring officer as he takes one last jab at having some fun while breaking the rules.
New Centurions by Joseph Wambaugh; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover, Audio Cassette and Video (VHS) Editions.
Wambaugh takes us beyond the "Adam-12 and "Dragnet" image of the LAPD in this gritty and realistic portrayal of three young police officers during their first five years on the force. During their tour, the men face the harsh reality of "Protecting and serving."
L.A.P.D Bill Kurtis' "American Justice" TV Series; VHS; Not Rated; NTSC format
Dragnet: Bad Girls Jack Webb; VHS; Not Rated; NTSC format
Dragnet Jack Webb; VHS; Not Rated; NTSC format
Dragnet: Vol. 1-3 Jack Webb; VHS; Not Rated; NTSC format
What's the Number for
911? America's Wackiest 911 Calls by Leland H., III Gregory; Paperback
I thought I had heard it all until I read this! A collection of more than 170 stories and actual transcripts of strange and hilarious 911 phone calls made by everyday people who need help!
What's the Number for
911 Again? by Leland H., III Gregory; Paperback
What's the Number For 911 Again? answers the urgent call for more of these wacky conversations: "Can you unplug my coffeepot I left on at my house?" "Where can I get rid of my Christmas tree?" Amazing and hilarious!
Wanted! Dumb or
Alive: 100 New Stories from the Files of America's Dumbest Criminals by Alan Ray, Daniel R. Butler; Paperback
You will read about: -The man arrested in an undercover prostitution sting four hours after his wedding. -The beeper thief who was apprehended when he returned a page from the police. -The truly dumb burglar who broke into a police officer's home...while the officer was there! -The elk poachers who backed a truck up to a snowbank and left a perfect imprint of their license plate. Although unbelievable the stories in Wanted Dumb Or Alive are true, and the officers involved are real - only the names are changed to protect the ignorant.
America's Dumbest
Criminals: Based on True Stories from Law Enforcement Officials Across the Country by Daniel R. Butler, et al; Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition.
Wild & Weird Stories of Fumbling Felons, Clumsy Crooks, and Ridiculous Robbers from the Hit TV Show. This hysterical collection of stories of actual crimes committed by clumsy crooks and fumbling felons will have you laughing out loud at painfully dumb attempts at crime.
Presumed Ignorant! Over 400 Cases of Legal Looniness, Daffy Defendants, and Bloopers from the Bench by Leland H. Gregory; Paperback
a hilarious expose of the most bizarre, outrageous, and hilarious acts ever perpetrated in the halls of justice. From the dumbest defenses ever dreamed up to the silliest law suits ever filed, it's an open and shut case of the law at its most lunatic.
A Treasury of Police Humor by Oliver Gaspirtz; Paperback
Probably one of the funniest and most insightful books ever written about police work.
Crimes and Mis-dumb-meanors: 100 New Stories from the Files of America's Dumbest Criminals by Alan Ray, et al; Paperback
Firehouse Magazine 12 issues/12 months
For over two decades, Firehouse Magazine has been the industry's leading publication devoted to firefighting and fire prevention. Its pages are loaded with stories of courage and honor of men and women involved in firefighting. Firehouse transmits current news, training and lifesaving information firefighters can use on the job!
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) - Basic and Advanced Prehospital Trauma Life Support by James L. Paturas (Editor), et al; Paperback
Fire Communications Technician (C-1217) by Jack Rudman; Paperback
Fire Service Radio Communications by Edwin J. Spahn; Hardcover
Fire Call! Fire Communications Monitoring by Thomas J. Jr. Swisher; Paperback
The Ultimate Scanner by Bill Cheek; Paperback
More info than the average person would use... you are armed with alot of knowledge!
Scanners & Secret Frequencies by Henry L. Eisenson; Paperback
This cynical and immensely entertaining book describes the scanner world, the people in it, the equipment they use, and how they acquire and tune in to the "secret" frequencies. Highly recomended for anyone who owns a scanner.
Scanner Modifications and Antennas by Jerry Pickard; Paperback
Whether you're scanning for valuable emergency information or just our of curisity, you want to get the most out of your equipment. This book will teach you how to get your straight-out-of-the-box scaner working to its fullest potential. Instructions are written as simply as possible so that just about anyone who can determine the hot end of a soldering iron can modify his or her scanner.
Bug Book: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Electronic Eavesdropping... But Were Afraid to Ask by M. L. Shannon; Paperback
What would you do if you thought you were being bugged? How would you defend yourself? How would you even know about it? If you've pondered these questions, and especially if you haven't, you need to read this book. It was written to tell you, the average Joe, everything there is to know about tiny hidden transmitters that can broadcast your personal and business conversations to spies, government agents . . . even the next-door neighbors.
Radio Monitoring: The How to Guide by T. J. Skip Arey; Paperback
Using the explicit insturctions in this book, you can explore the worlds of espionage, international politics, foreign wars, ships at sea, cellular phone activity, emergency services and any other arena where the airwaves are used to communicate.
ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, 2002 by Dana George Reed (Editor); Paperback. Also available in a Hardcover Edition
New edition of a reference that helps the radio amateur keep up with the ever-changing technological advances in the wired and wireless world. Topics include introductory material, fundamental theory, practical design and projects, construction techniques, and operating practices. Contains many b&w illustrations and charts.
Serious Surveillance for the Private Investigator by Bob Bruno; Paperback
This manual teaches you the nuts and bolts of the craft: how to uncover information by tailing a subject and documenting his actions in photographs or videotape. Learn what it's like on the streets, as well as what equipment and tools you'll need for each job.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Private Investigating by Steven Kerry Brown, Steve Brown; Paperback
From locating missing persons, tapping phones, performing background checks to doing surveillance, setting up nanny cams and becoming a PI, this book has it all and is the only book a person could ever need on the topic.
Phone Book: The Latest High-Tech Techniques And Equipment For Preventing Electronic Eavesdropping, Recording Phone Calls, Ending Harassing Calls, And Stopping Toll Fraud by M.L. Shannon (Author); Paperback
Learn all about the invasive new surveillance technology and gadgets and what you can do to defeat them. Plus, find out just how far the government has gone to compromise your privacy and what you should be doing to fight back. Get the scoop on cellular and mobile phones, faxes, e-mail and much more. This equipment is NOT science-fiction. It's cheap, readily available, easy to use and it's use certainly isn't limited to three-letter government agencies... it's in the basements of your neighbors and co-workers!
Also See: Monitoring Police and Fire Communications