Welcome to the HD24 group on Yahoo! This group will discuss the use of the Alesis ADAT HD24 disk recorder. On-topic discussion will include anything about the use of the HD24, including features and capabilities, add-on products, third party drives, interfacing issues, software updates, FTP, cables, MIDI, etc. It will be an unmoderated group as long as that configuration remains workable. Please keep it civil and on topic. We welcome HD24 owners, those who are considering purchase of the HD24, and members of the Alesis team who develop and support the HD24. Because of recent problems with spam on Yahoo, new members will go through an approval process. I expect to approve all new members immediately unless I suspect that their only purpose is to spam our mailboxes. That will not be tolerated. Your first posting may be delayed - please be patient. New members should keep in mind that their initial questions may have been asked and answered by existing members in the past. Please use the Message Search function on the group site on Yahoo before posting your question. Also, please read through the messages from the prior month or so - in many cases, the same topics come up again and again. You'll find it worth your while to read through some past discussion before joining in. Members are strongly encouraged to also join a closely related group, HD24Lounge. Because the members of the HD24 group have come to know one another fairly well, we often find that our discussion drifts into areas that are no longer related to the HD24. The HD24Lounge list holds the "overflow" from HD24, discussions among the HD24 members that are unrelated to the HD24 itself. If you eventually choose to leave our group, you can unsubscribe via the Yahoo site: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/hd24/ You'll also find our Files, Photos, and Search sections at that site. Again, welcome to the group! You'll find a great deal of HD24 knowledge here, along with a lively discussion of a wide range of HD24-related topics.